The Venditou mission is create to a space for non invasive and non pharmacological pain management options due to gap in the market for conservative management of acute and chronic pain.

Having worked in the healthcare industry for many years there is a need for conservative pain management options which do not come along with nasty side effects which can cause more harm than good.

We noticed surgical and pharmacological therapies used often without alternative options trialed before needing more drastic measures. Furthermore for many chronic conditions the surgical route is not an option, hence leading to suffering and overall poorer quality of life or dependent on different pain medication which also come with side effects.

Thus Vendiou was born!

We endeavour to the provide the community with alternative options to pain management that rely on the body’s natural pain gate mechanisms to provide relief.  The human body has amazing capabilities in suppressing and managing pain and our products aim to tap into the body’s natural relaxation and healing responses.